Discovering the kingdom of god In Your World

warm greeting and welcome to you for joining us here at S&S Ministries website.   It’s my prayer that God placed you here for such a time as this to grow in His Image and Likeness; and most of all planted in the Kingdom that carries His Name – Jesus Christ.



Meet The Team

Sharonda D. Stewart


Dr. Clara Coppedge Wills

Exit Realtor/Vision Partner

Troy L. Shanklin

Pastor/Vision Partner

Get To Know Us
In 3 Ways


The Ministry

Our Assignment is to let all people know – “God is love, Your Forgiven, and Christ is all and in all”






Spiritual Education

“A mind is a terrible thing to waste”



JM Books & Reviews

“Hearing the sound of Christ Jesus around the world”



Jesus Melody Book Network/Reviews

"Hearing The Sound Of Christ Jesus Voice Around The World"