Come Unto Me
James P. Gills, M.D.



Come Unto Me

Using one of the quotes from the back of the book, "Inspired by his personal trek through the Sinai wilderness, Dr. Jim Gills came home convinced that even "desert experiences" hold an important place along the journey of life.  Gathering from the timeless story of the ancient Israelites, Jim relates biblical insights and offers practical applications to encourage the weariest pilgrim to keep pressing on. 

"Come unto Me" is a book that will draw you into an intimate relationship with God beyond the outer court, beyond the Holy place, but into the Holy of Holies.  These pages will guide you through your wilderness journey (those dry places) to come to that place where you can have a real and personal relationship with God.  I recommend this book to those who want to go through the process of living for Christ, who want to have a closer walk with God, and who want to clearly see and experience His Promise Land for them.  I say, "Get Ready for the journey and Take Hold of the Hand of God and WALK"!